Friday, January 29, 2010

Are You Watching & Waiting

There are wars and rumors of wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, N. Korea, Iran, etc.; in the last century it is estimated that 188 million died due to tyranny, genocide, war, & man-made deliberate famine), there are earthquakes, volcano's and tsunamis (in the last year there have been over 1 million registered quakes world-wide; 18 were major destructive, 120 were called destructive, 1,000 were called damaging). These are but the birth-pangs (Matt. 24:7 & 26:6). My! they seem to be increasing.

Yet the hour is coming when the Spirit will be poured out again in mercy for them who would look, listen, observe and repent. We are closer now than ever before, both in time and in theological perception to Christ's imminent return - He said He would return, remember? But here's the real burning question: what are you doing to be ready? What are you doing to see to it that others are ready? How deep is your passion for the lost? On which side of the ten virgins (Matt. 25:1f) might you be placed? Pray, then, this way, "Father you alone know the hour - make us ready, willing, and to be about your work - that we might hear 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' (Matt 25:21)

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